GP over-prescribed morphine, probably causing a seizure

Summary 37 |

Ms C suffered from back pain on and off for several years. Her GP prescribed morphine to lessen the pain.

What happened

The day after being prescribed the drug, Ms C was getting her baby and young daughter ready for bed when she had a seizure.

What we found

The GP had prescribed a dose of morphine that was twice the recommended daily dose and, on the balance of probabilities, this triggered an epileptic seizure.

'I just wanted him to recognise what he'd done and the effect it's had on me and my family.' Ms C

Putting it right

The serious nature of the events continues to have a significant impact on Ms C and her family. The GP has apologised to Ms C and has acknowledged the impact the failings had on her. He has discussed the findings of this

complaint with his responsible officer, and has paid Ms C £1,000.

We shared our report with the GP's responsible officer and the NHS England local area team.

Health or Parliamentary
Organisations we investigated

A GP practice



Complainants' concerns ?

Did not apologise properly or do enough to put things right

Did not take sufficient steps to improve service



Compensation for non-financial loss
