Ombudsman Rob Behrens responds to CQC State of Care report

Ombudsman Rob Behrens comments on the report released today by the Care Quality Commission (CQC) which assesses health care and social care in England. The report found that the health and care system is in gridlock, with long delays and long waiting times preventing large numbers of people unable to access care.

"We are seeing the perfect storm of a gridlocked system combining challenges in both access to care and in workforce provision. This is a breeding ground for mistakes in critical services. Failure in any part of the system can have catastrophic effects on patient care.

"We know that the healthcare sector and those who work in it arouse understanding, respect and support, but patients and their families should also know they have the right to complain and to be listened to when mistakes are made. This is particularly important for those most disadvantaged in society whose voices are unheard.

"The NHS must embrace a learning culture to avoid repeatedly making the same mistakes and to improve services for the future."