UK Central Government Complaint Standards: Summary of Expectations

Other central government complaint handling requirements

The Complaint Standards work alongside several other important requirements and guidance for UKCG organisations.

A Modern Civil Service

The Complaint Standards will help deliver the Modern Civil Service vision of a skilled, innovative and ambitious Civil Service that is equipped for the future. The Standards embody the values of ‘integrity, honesty, objectivity and impartiality’ and will assist in the delivery of ‘outstanding services to the public’ as set out in the Declaration on Government Reform.

The Standards will support the partnership working agenda and ‘unity of purpose’ ambition to work collaboratively and act ‘as one government team, to deliver for citizens’. They will do this by driving a consistent approach to complaint handling across government, making sure lessons are learned and shared more widely.

The Civil Service Code

The Complaint Standards will help bring greater consistency to deliver several important aspects of the Civil Service Code, which supports good government and the highest possible standards in public service.

The Seven Principles of Public Life (the Nolan Principles)

The Complaint Standards also support the ethical standards set out in the Seven Principles of Public Life:

  • Selflessness

  • Integrity

  • Objectivity

  • Accountability

  • Openness

  • Honesty

  • Leadership

Other relevant guidance

The Complaint Standards support delivery of the requirements of other key UKCG guidance

Values, charters and promises

The Complaint Standards will support delivery of each UK central government organisation’s values, charters and promises.