How we are performing

We publish a range of information about our work, much of which is scrutinised by Parliament. 

Annual reports

Our annual reports give details of our performance over the past 12 months, including financial reports and statistical information about the complaints we receive.

You can also read about our 2022-23 achievements against our three strategic objectives.

Quarterly performance statistics

We also publish information about the number of enquiries, assessments and investigations we handle.

Service user feedback

Results from our Complainant and Organisations We Investigate (OWI) surveys allows us to understand more about the views of people who use our service. They help us consider what we do well and areas where we can improve.

Quality Standards

Our Quality Standards measure the quality of our casework decisions. We map our Quality Standards scores to our Service Charter scores. This means we are able to compare our quality scores with feedback from complainants and organisations we investigate. By analysing the differences between scores, we can identify areas that require improvement.

Staff surveys

You can see the results of our recent staff surveys here.