Feedback from people who use our service 2023/24 Quarter 3 (October to December)

In 2023/24 we revised our Complainant and Organisations We Investigate (OWI) surveys, changing the way we gather and report on this feedback. This decision was based on an extensive review and testing, allowing us to improve how we collect data.

Feedback from complainants

QuestionsQuarter 3 (October - December 2023)
Q1. My/The PHSO caseworker gave me the opportunity to explain my complaint before making their decision70%
Q2. My caseworker took the information I provided into account when making their decision59%
Q3. My caseworker explained what guidelines the Ombudsman would follow69%
Q4. My caseworker clearly explained the information they used in making their decision60%
Q5. My caseworker acted with sensitivity to the issues I raised66%
Q6. I was satisfied with the overall time it took to reach a decision on my complaint46%
Q7. Overall, I was satisfied with the service I received from the Ombudsman51%
Impartiality indicator:63%

 Feedback from organisations we investigate

Survey QuestionsQuarter 3 (October - December 2023)
Q1. The PHSO caseworker provided the opportunity to explain our response to the issues raised in the complaint before making their decision95%
Q2. The PHSO caseworker took the information we provided into account when making their decision82%
Q3. When dealing with the complaint, the caseworker explained what guidelines the Ombudsman would follow79%
Q4. The PHSO caseworker clearly explained the information they used in making their decision92%
Q5. The PHSO caseworker acted with sensitivity to the issues that were raised in the complaint84%
Q6. I was satisfied with the overall time it took to reach a decision on the complaint59%
Q7. Overall, I’m satisfied with the service we received from the Ombudsman74%
Impartiality indicator:90%