Non-executive Board member


Anu Singh Non-executive

Anu Singh 

Anu Singh joined the Board on 13 April 2020 and is Chair of the Inclusion and Wellbeing Committee. She is a Board level local government and health leader, has chaired an NHS Integrated Care Trust, and held the role of statutory Director of Adult Social Care.

Anu was also Director of Patient and Public Participation and Insight for NHS England, where she made sure that the voices of patients, service users, carers and the public were at the heart of how the NHS worked. She was responsible for equalities, health inequalities, person centred care, and the national relationship with the voluntary and community sector.

Anu helps to drive improved experiences and outcomes through Board roles on the South East London and the Birmingham & Solihull Integrated Care Boards, North Central London Mental Health Trusts and as Chair of Lambeth Adult Safeguarding Board.